

This update brings a new skill, Farming! With only agility, hunter and construction left (and of course shipbuilding). The team has some big ideas and big plans ahead for the server. We cannot wait to get more updates into the game for everyone to enjoy!

Whilst we have been working hard with some of the team taking time off since it’s holiday season and to focus on real-life events. In the end as promised, two massive updates have occurred. So lets get right into it!

Following our roadmap, the wilderness has expanded up to level 40. With this area being released the follow is unlocked: Many new mobs to kill. New areas to explore! For example the new chaos altar temple! Which is situated deep in the wilderness. To all adventurers, Be wary as teleports are disabled past level 20.!

With many areas being added and not wanting to clog up the devblog, images for the wilderness areas are located at the bottom of the blogpost.

Whilst teleports are disabled past level 20, some items such as the ring of life will work up until wilderness level 30. But note, even with such items, you are still not garenteed to be safe.

New mobs scattered across the wilderness, along with many other features that have been added too!

  • Hobgoblins
  • Dark Warriors
  • Chaos Dwarf
  • Bears
  • Ghosts
  • Zombies
  • Black Knights
  • Bandits
  • Hill Giants

Highly requested in this update is the chaos temple altar, providing a altar with a quirk. Upon using bones on the altar, players will be granted 3.5 times the experience as if they had buried the bones. There is also 50% chance that the bones won't be consumed, meaning on players will gain a great deal more experience per bone. But be wary as this will also be a dangerous player-killing zone, in which teleporting is no option.

A new shop has been added, the wilderness bandit duty free, operated by noterazzo, he claims to have better prices because the tax collector is unable to make the dangerous journey to his store. This store will purchases items based on their high alchemy value, compared to the usual low alchemy values of other stores, meaning players will earn more but at the cost of potentially being hunted by other players.

Follow your dreams and become a master farmer, living off the land are you ready for the days with the light of your monitor upon your skin and sweat on your chair?

One of the last remaining skills to be added is now functional. Plant your crops, take care of them with compost, water them and they will surely grow into beautiful plants ready for harvesting.

Along with this release, a new limited edition pet has been added to the store!

All seeds are obtainable from various methods, but currently allotment, herbs, flowers and bushes are the only plantable patches. With trees/fruit trees and hops coming soon along with compost bins to make compost and super compost. The following methods you can use to obtain seeds are:

  • Thieving
  • Mob drops (visible in /mobs)
  • Birds nests
Farming supplies and tools can be purchased from Sarah and Vanessa's farming stores near the patches. Tool Leprechauns, whilst not currently storing your tools are useful to note your farming products. One can store over an inventory full of potatoes from one harvest!

Busy_GamerRS has made an amazing video introducing farming to everyone make sure to check it out and go subscribe to his youtube channel!

The area of Entrana has been released! This island full of monks living their life in the ways of Saradomin. This island cannot be entered weapons or armour, unless your a smart adventure rand you trick these monks. To gain access to the island talk to a monk of Entrana at Port Sarim, he will search you for weapons and armour and deny you entry aboard his ship if found.

Whilst the island does contain a functioning law runecrafting altar, the issue being that the quest to obtain a law talisman isn't currently obtainable and requires the Troll Stronghold area. In time the quest will be added and players will be able to access the altar. This island is also used in other quests. Final but not least the island comes with a commonplace to train crafting via glass blowing.

Fishing Contest
Fishing contest was added in a recent update, but was not completable due to incorrect npc setup. Many thanks to everyone that has reported any issues in regards to the quest. With the help from you it is now functioning properly!

You may even follow a quest guide also made by Busy_GamerRS if you need help or get stuck.

Ironman Adam
If for whatever strange reason, players wish to downgrade their ironman status you may do so by talking with Adam just outside lumbridge castle. But fear not all your stats will be retained on the ironman highscores.

Map Icons
On our world maps new icons and region outlines have been added, making it easier for players to find their way around the map. Please use the roadmap to suggest icons that you want us to add.

Friends List
Just like runescape, the friend's list has been updated to show which world you are on. You may now enjoy hoping to worlds knowing your friends will be waiting for you.

Clue Geodes & Bottles
To go along with clue nests, easy clue geodes & bottles have been added into the game. Players can obtain geodes whilst mining and bottles whilst fishing, this is to help different skillers still earn rewards as much as combat trainers do.

  • Added world name to scoreboard
  • Added random walk to some npc's
  • Improved clan members list
  • Improved clan messaging system
  • Fixed rain command
  • Fixed daily experience quest number format
  • Fixed some NPC's partially falling into blocks
  • Removed old clue rewards
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