DevBlog #32 A Lovely New Year, Giant Mole & New Hud




The first update of the new year! The team has been working very hard in the background to bring you another amazing update.

We appreciate the patience and the support you have all given us, we can't wait to bring you many more updates soon.

Valentines Event​

A bear has travelled to Lumbridge, a bit late to the party, but better late than never to spread the words of valentines love to the players. Bringing word from cupid that gifts may drop from the heavens as you explore the world.

So keep an eye as you play and have fun. Who knows, maybe you will even receive a hug or two from the bear if you gift them some of the chocolates found.

Giant Mole Boss​

An annoying animal seems to be digging up holes in the Falador park, ruining the beautiful plants and bushes. We request at once that you go handle this beast!

The Giant Mole has arrived in all its glory, hope you have your Dharok's set ready to slay this beast.

New Hud​

The Hitpoints and Prayer icons have been ported over from RuneScape along with a working compass! It is now easier to view your current hp and prayer as previously this had been unclear.

More icons will be added to the new hud soon such as a multi combat area icon. So please do suggest we can add over at

Chat Tabs​

Following on with the new hud, the chat tabs have received an icon overhaul as to also resemble RuneScape.

For smaller windowed users, if you are struggling to see the new hud behind the chat tabs, we have added a chat tab split function to the settings menu.

Draynor Manor Rework​

It's not Haloween for many more months, but the spookiest place in gielinor has been fixed up by our lovely builders.

A hotspot for many quests(highly requested ones at that), Draynor Manor has been in the works for a while. Now that it is complete work on the quests can begin!

Keep watch as more free to play areas are revamped.


The music when leveling up a skill will now play! Enjoy the sweet tunes as you speedrun your levels to 99.

Both Hunter and Construction skills have been added into the skills menu. Construction is looking very promising to arrive shortly for you all to enjoy, so stay tuned for updates around this(and maybe a few teasers).


Make sure to follow our socials to keep up to date with the latest posts!


  • Added combat bracelet teleports
  • Added morton teleport quest requirement
  • Added willow trees near Lumbridge
  • Fixed unable to make plant pots
  • Fixed unicorn respawn time
  • Fixed magic tree giving maple roots
  • Fixed death drop item order
  • Fixed shop unable to purchase to fill inventory
  • Fixed herblore Pestle & Mortar held in hand

Last Note​

This update took longer than usual due to many factors. This was mostly due to having to move the code over to a more modular system taking up a great deal of time. Then having to test to ensure no in-game functionality hadn't changed.

Thanks again for the patience and happy gaming.
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