Devblog #8 Double EXP! Capes & More
Hello and welcome all, we have received an incredible influx of players since the last update, so thank you all for joining us and hopefully you are enjoying the server as much as I do!
Double EXP Weekends
If you didn't know already we have double EXP weekends so join the grind and reach some high scores today! In future updates we will enable limited double EXP to be purchased with votepoints for weekday grinding!
We have also had our first player to reach 1 million total exp! Congrats Herieman, and also congrats to Zyz54, the first player to reach the Protection Prayers.
Capes are now live! We have Team capes 1-50 and 8 basic capes. You can find them in clue scrolls <3
AutoWalk (Experimental)
Autowalk was accidentally enabled on Thursday, so you lucky people have been able to experiment with it already. This may be altered in future updates so don't get too attached to the current implementation. You can start it by pressing F (default switch hands button).
Low/High Alchemy
Alchemy can be trained by doing the following:
1. Right click staff and select the spell
2. Left click the staff will bring up gui
3. Click on the slot corresponding to a slot in your inv (bottom row is hotbar)
4. Left click to start alching
Note: Right click resets the slot selected. It should show above your hotbar what you are alching and show particles in front of your face so you know when to click again.
A huge thanks
I would just like to extend a massive thank-you to the OSRS team for showing off our trailer on their broadcast! It was so unexpected and the influx of players managed to crash the server :) However, this really helped with the beta testing, we have fixed so many bugs all due to your help!
Also to everyone who has donated so far we are working on new models and textures in the coming weeks!
Some minor updates made:
Please submit new bug reports here: http://tiny.cc/3awa8y
- Arrows now have 80% chance to drop.
- Banks now remember withdrawal amounts.
- Mobs that are aggressive will now attack, you have to be x2 + 1 their level, if the mob is level 7 you need to be combat 15.
- Will no longer show double xp when no xp is given.
- You can now scroll up in chat up to 100 messages.
- Fixed some skillpack rewards.
- Mobs should no longer walk into water.
- Announcements should no longer spam as much.
- Levelup chat will disappear after 10 seconds.
- Skill packs now correctly give level relevant items.
- GrandExchange causing memory leak.
- Members rendering invisible map, causing memory leak.
- Runecrafting altars respecting tiaras.
- Magic whilst targeting can now be right clicked to start combat.
- Fix bein able to put items into itemframes.
- Less connection losses.
- Capes now tradeable.
- Aubury buying prices