Dual XP method, Thieving/Crafting



Hello everyone :) I’m here to tell you about a method I used to gain some passive crafting levels while going from 20-40 thieving, but really you could do this past 40 thieving if you want the crafting XP and gold! For this method you will need a chisel, 20 thieving, some food, and it is recommended you have 20 crafting as well to cut the gems (otherwise, bank them once you have a full inventory.)

To start, use a home or lumbridge teleport and make your way to Al Kharid, once you get past the goblins enter the gate towards the right. You will see a few warriors, and the first shop in front of you should have a Gem Trader inside. The Gem trader will stock Uncut Sapphires for 25, Uncut Emeralds for 50, and will buy them back for more than that once they’re cut! The shop restocks approximately every 50 seconds, giving you the opportunity to thieve the warriors in front of the store while you wait, and get gold for more gems. If you would prefer to make a little more gold from the gems, you can convert these gems into amulets using a gold bar, amulet mould, and a ball of wool. The finished amulets can be sold to Grum in Port Sarim for 400-800 gold a piece, depending on how fast you sell them. Thanks for reading my guide, let me know if you have any questions!
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