Introduction to myself and Wilderness Discussion!



Hi Everyone!

I'd have really wanted to post something under a header like 'Game Discussion' but that doesn't exist so i'll introduce myself and also talk about the exciting prospects and changes to the game that *could* be a possibility with the release of the Wilderness at this current time

So i'm Ominous_Pie in-game, I played RuneScape mainly from 2007-2015 but have always been on and off the game since for things such as Deadman Mode. I love the server so far and it's amazing to see what the devs have done. I'm friendly in-game except I might call people cringe from time to time, other than that i'm happy to help most of the time.
(no simps pls)

I'm doing this discussion because I saw Dablakbandits stream of the Wilderness just over a week ago that got me really excited.

Now for my discussion (this is all hypothetical and nothing I speculate is guaranteed to be in-game)


There's so many changes that the Wilderness will bring once released that will make it such a place of opportunity.

Changes to Prayer Training

Prayer training changes entirely. The Chaos Temple Altar in Level 38 Wilderness will be the best most efficient way to bury Bones. This is fantastic for not only a faster Prayer Training method but it gives PKers a great reason to go there, as not only can they kill these people, but can use the bones for their own benefit rather than hopping straight back to the bank every kill!

Changes to Resources

Green Black Dragon re-location

I'm hoping that the Wilderness update will make Green Dragons more interesting to kill. Not only this but I imagine through Minecraft mechanics running and sprinting 13 Wilderness would take almost no time at all, offering a very easy escape for players that aren't necessarily PKers but wish to cash in on Green Dragons.

Red Dragon Isle / Lava Dragon Isle

Devs can take this in two directions - let's discuss them both.

* Lava Dragons
If they take the route of Lava Dragons there are a lot of alchables that this area offers. On top of this they also drop Rune Darts, Rune Knifes, Rune Bolts as well as an extra avenue to get drops such as the Dragon Med Helm. One of the biggest factors too is that you will be able to get Black Hides without having to kill the KBD.

* Red Dragons
This is a personal view of mine but I would prefer at first for them to be Red Dragons. We have no other method of getting Red D'hide in the game at this time. This unlocks another set of gear for range training. It could be changed to Lava Dragons much further on in the future but I think this is a better choice for now. Not only this, but hopefully they will be safer in the wilderness for players that like to take it a bit slower, as we all know how busy Lava Dragons and PKers in the area would be if it was Lava Dragon Isle.

New Bosses

Chaos Elemental

This is a perfect boss for the game right now. The Chaos Elemental over the years in the main game has got easier and easier to kill with gear upgrades, that's not the case here but even the Minor Drops on its drop table add very exciting changes.

Minor Drops
The Chaos Elemental drops Super Attack, Super Strength and Super Defence potions as well as all different types of Bones including Dragon Bones. With Herblore not in the game and added incentive to be able to PVP with the introduction of the wilderness. These potions will be very sought after by people.

Not only will the addition of Super Pots be fantastic, but other common drops include
* Blood Runes
* Chaos Runes
* Death Runes
* Rune Arrow
* Weapon Poison ++

Major Drops
The Chaos Elemental has a 1/2048 change to drop a Dragon Med Helm which will become a new BIS Helmet for Melee. Being an incredibly rare drop and other methods of finding this item unavailable directly draws people into the Wilderness which is great.

Dragon Spear
Dragon 2h Sword
Dragon Dagger
Dragon Pickaxe

All these drops become fantastic additions, the Dragon 2h can be used as fantastic KO Potential.

I'm not sure if Special Attacks are going to be made possible but if they do then a Dragon Dagger becomes insane and instantly gives huge huge huge KO Potential, though not guaranteed as I don't know what the devs plans are, however it can still be useful for poisoning players with the Weapon Poison from the Minor Drop table.

Not only the Dragon Dagger gets a huge boost from Special Attacks, but if Special Attacks are introduced then the Dragon Spear also becomes a huge weapon for stunning players and also moving them into Multi-Areas for clans to pile. Let's also remember that not only is it just the Dragon Dagger that can become P++ but the Dragon Spear can also become P++. Its uses would be niche but it has the potential to absolutely shine in a lot of scenarios - let's also remember that until the Slayer Tower & Whip get released that it can be used for Shared XP as combat styles for training

Dragon Pickaxe offers a new best Mining Pickaxe and will be very very sought after by players in the skilling community, making not every drop a PVP players dream but sharing to the rest of the community.

Let's also remember something incredibly important in that 2 Handed weapons such as the Dragon 2H and Dragon Spear do not allow you to wear a shield in OSRS however in MineScape as of currently do (such as shortbow + shield) making them even more useful in-game.

(pt2 next post)


King Black Dragon

The King Black Dragon will be such a great addition. Let's remember that yet again we don't have all the fantastic gear OSRS has to offer and in turn will make this a more difficult kill for some that will almost always require a Rune Crossbow for a kill. If Lava Dragon Isle is Red Dragon Isle this will be the only place players will be able to get Black D'hide in-game making it a very worthy boss of killing, and will become a fantastic safer money maker as long as you can get there due to being able to Home Teleport inside the KBD Lair.

Minor Drops

This is another monster that regularly drops Runite Bolts, great for lowering the price. Let's not undervalue also the 150 Noted Yew Log common drop which will be well received by players alongside the boss dropping Amulets of Power, Sharks, 100 noted Gold Ore and an awful lot more.

Major Drops

Similarly to the Chaos Elemental this will be another opportunity to grab a Dragon Med Helm, Dragon Spear or Dragon Pickaxe but let's not forget the most important item. The Draconic Visage.

The Draconic Visage will be an abolutely INSANE drop and a total game changer for the entire game if added. A Dragonfire Shield I believe would easily become the most expensive item in the entire game and on top of all the other great incentives the KBD offers the way the server has been created shows off the KBD as a perfect example of a seemingly forgotten boss in the modern OSRS game but a complete revelation to us here in MineScape.

Mage Arena

The Mage Arena will be a huge boost to Magic Training with the introduction of God Capes and God Spells.
Not only this but the Mage Bank offers something we haven't seen before which is a shop that directly sells expensive runes in bulk.

Zamorak Temple

Introduces BIS Magic Armor. Whilst Mystic Armour will eventually replace Elder Chaos as BIS, it will be the BIS Magic Gear REGARDLESS of what your Defence level is! Drop rates are 1/1419 in OSRS for any piece making them incredibly rare and sought after, but not only this regular Zamorak Monk Bottoms will be a cheaper alternative for Aggressive Mage bonus

Gear Upgrades

Every single combat stat receives a Best in-slot upgrade from this update. (this is the part that is semi-important because I haven't included the Revenant Caves which unlocks a huge huge amount of possibilities such as dragon platelegs etc).

(Note: There is a very likely i've missed things and this isn't entirely accurate, also we don't know what will be implemented and what will not.)

Elder Chaos Hood
Amulet of Magic
Elder Chaos Top
Elder Chaos Robe
God Cape
Leather Boots
Anti-Dragon Shield
Staff of (X) Rune / God Staff (Magic stats differ but depends on purpose)

Dragon Med Helm
Amulet of Power
Rune Platebody
Rune Platelegs
Skillcape (lol)
Black Boots
Dragonfire Sheld (lol)/Rune Kite if not
Dragon 2H Sword

Coif (technically although Dragon Med for tank)
Amulet of Power
Black D'Hide Body
Black D'Hide Chaps
Skillcape (lol)
Leather Boots/Black Boots
Dragonfire Shield (lol)/Rune Kite/Anti-Dragon Shield
Rune Crossbow


If you've made it this far then thank you very much! It'd be great if we could get a discussion going and also get some dev input from this thread on what the future looks like for the Wilderness. At the very bottom.

I feel like by us being in a situation where other content is locked, this becomes even better for the Wilderness. We want to draw people into the Wilderness from all backgrounds to have an exciting game full of suspense. End-Game combat content is something i'm sure we're all really looking forward to!

I've created a list of things i've left out, i've speculated enough and wouldn't want to include these into the already long list

Hope you've enjoyed, I hope to see you all in-game!

A needed note: The devs do a fantastic job. The last thing i'd want them to feel is pressure to create all of the content i've highlighted above. What i've done is stretch out what I believe COULD be available. I wouldn't want them to feel they've let us down if not everything above is included. Regardless of the updates that come out in the Wilderness it will always be an extremely exciting update for us all. Thanks for making a great game already so far and I can't wait for the future

Left Out:
Revenant Caves
Resource Dungeon
Chaos Fanatic
Crazy Archaeologist
Mage Arena 2
Wilderness God Wars Dungeon


Nice ideas. I hope some of them will come in the future


All of these would be great, but a few problems arise. Most likely the wildy release will only be select portions of it (I and a few others speculate only up to level 20-30). Seems like Bandit doesn't want to add any drops that deal w/ herblore until the skill itself is added. The bosses would be way too underpowered if added unless bandit grinds out the hours to add magic/ranged attacks to enemies. All in all amazing post/analysis of future content. Personally looking forward to KBD pet (hopefully a boss drop and not from donation chest)!


All of these would be great, but a few problems arise. Most likely the wildy release will only be select portions of it (I and a few others speculate only up to level 20-30). Seems like Bandit doesn't want to add any drops that deal w/ herblore until the skill itself is added. The bosses would be way too underpowered if added unless bandit grinds out the hours to add magic/ranged attacks to enemies. All in all amazing post/analysis of future content. Personally looking forward to KBD pet (hopefully a boss drop and not from donation chest)!

That's a great response thank you. Yeah I definitely understand looking at it that I've listed too much when it comes to it, but at least if the content flows through the game one way or another in the future we can keep our eyes peeled! I think the KBD as a hard grind-able piece of content that is made more difficult by the fact not everyone's a really high combat level. We don't have the same gear OSRS can provide which is what really excites me myself as it'd be a bit more of a challenge, so whilst it is likely to not be in the wilderness immediately on release i'll be very excited when it is :). Here's hoping we get Blue Dragons sorted followed by Red Dragon Isle and finally KBD!
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