[March 12] Edgeville's Beginner Guides for the New MineScape Player (Audio/Video Guides)



With the influx of new players, I will be periodically making guides to cover some topics of MineScape that will be helpful to a new player.

The purpose of these videos is to offer a clear and concise audio/video guide for new players looking to break into the game.

These videos are not monetized and are strictly to help new players.

Added March 06, 2020:
How Play MineScape with ToastyLoasty's ModPack
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1fRI-9Q3H8

Added March 06, 2020:
How to use the GE - Buying and Selling items on the Grand Exchange

If you have a topic you would like covered, please let me know and I can make a video on it.
Thanks for checking it out!


Very nice for me as a new player :) Keep up that Thread and the good work


Solid thread man, I've been checking back and forth on your youtube for tips and tricks
Get involved!

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