Minescape Mobile



Hello everyone, my ign is duttyG I found out a way to play minescape mobile!

You'll need steam and steam link. If you don't have steam here is the link to get it. https://store.steampowered.com/

Next, you'll need to download steam link on your phone and link your phone to your pc here is a video on how to do so.

Sorry this is sort and simple if you need any help let me know.

Note that you may need to change the controls how you prefer it. It isn't the best by any means but you'll be able to play on the go! :)
and that shift doesn't really work so what I did was take a piece of paper and wedge it down so your shift is held down for fletching all logs

I mainly do wc and fletching.

Can't wait to see what others do with this enjoy.


I am mining right now with it, and it helps, I made my forward key Z so I can walk
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