Official MineScape stafflist




Official MineScape stafflist
Updated: 29 march 2020


Dablakbandit - Timezone: GMT +13


Whitebabe7 (lead) - Timezone: GMT +11
PsychicArrow - Timezone: CEST | UTC+2
GodlyFlux - Timezone: CEST | UTC+2

Community Representative

Dregod - Timezone: BST | UTC+1

Social Media Representative

Geux - Timezone: BST | UTC+1

Support Team

Sophie - Timezone: GMT-6
Dregod - Timezone: BST | UTC+1


Pyro (lead) - Timezone: GMT-6
Ransoze - Timezone: GMT +1
Sjeffrey - Timezone: GMT +1
Marlamin1 - Timezone: UTC -5
iChristTof - Timezone: GMT
Seive - Timezone: EDT | UTC-4
Djspun - Timezone: ET | UTC-4
WidestSteak9701 - Timezone: GMT
Trizzle951 - Timezone: CST -6

iChristTof (lead) - Timezone: GMT
NoobForLunch - Timezone: CST
Dakotaspine - Timezone: EST
Wightwin - Timezone: PDT
EnderSven - Timezone: GMT +1
Jettucis - Timezone: GMT +3


Orbis - Timezone: GMT +1
Remwulf - Timezone: GMT +1
Sophie - Timezone: GMT-6
Pyro - Timezone: GMT-6

LunarOptics - Timezone: EST

NOTE: There may be more staffmembers, which will be added to this list at any time.
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