Slayer bug?



I know this isn't the right forum, nor is there really a "right" forum, so I'll just post my question here.

I went to Krystilia to grab a (presumably) wildy slayer task. As of now, I'm tasked to kill 84 spiders, but of all the spiders I've killed, I've not gotten any xp/progress towards the task. I can't find any spiders in the wilderness, so am I screwed, or am I stupid enough to not know where spiders are?


Did you kill the spiders that are in the wilderness or not in the wilderness? Cause as it's a Wilderness task, only Wildy spiders will count and provide slayer xp. Closest ones are located in the Edgeville Dungeon (north of the Thugs)


Oh wow, i had the exact same problem! Thought i was going crazy after killing spiders, giant spiders, red spiders etc.

will try wildie spiders!
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