What games were you playing previous to MineScape?



Hi everyone,

I'm curious to know what games people were playing before MineScape. I'd love to know what other Minecraft servers people used to play on before coming to MineScape. Also wondering if any people here still play RuneScape (or OSRS) at the same time as MineScape.

Personally, I have played WynnCraft and Hypixel previous to MineScape, as well as a few servers and Realms with my close friends. I'm an ex-RuneScape player and don't really have any intention to go back to that game, however, I've said that previously and have come crawling back. :ROFLMAO:

I generally play or have played most mainstream MMO and co-op strategy and RPG games in addition to some more niche online RPG games with smaller player bases like this game has.



Hmm, I've been all over. The most recent games were Syrnia, which is a text based browser game and Runescape. Runescape and Everquest 2 were my first 2 online games I believe and they both are what ended up steering my love for MMOs. I've played plenty of other guys but That's the kind of stuff I usually stick around haha.


I've been on PC since 2005 so I started with Counter-Strike: Source, Combat Arms, Maplestory, Runescape, etc. I've played a lot of Call of Duty titles since, Minecraft, Oldschool Runescape, Age of Empires, H1Z1, PUBG and Fortnite.

Most recently I've been bouncing between Call of Duty, Fortnite & Minecraft.


my previous server was another minescape server, they gave their own spin to it tho. not as close of a replica as this server

so far, loving my time on here :)


Grew up playing, Maplestory and Runescape. still play both, Maxed RS3 account.
Casually play Final Fantasy 14 a realm reborn, A lot of VR Gaming (Oculus Rift until next gen)

Now enjoying Minescape, Old School Runescape and VR Gaming.


Recently Ive been playing alot of minecraft, go figure haha. But I was more so running a dedicated spigot server for 4 of my friends. Because realms is not so great and has no plugin support.

I love the freedom that spigot and its plugins give you. As long as you have a small amount of coding know how
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