Staff member

Devblog #2 Update for the weekend
Progress over the last week
As our community continues to grow, the progress will also continue, and we have been hard at work this week!
Server Logo
We have a new logo in development by a very talented artist, and we can't wait to share it with you all. There will be many more works done in future to promote key aspects of the server or updates
I have spent this week focusing on creating more utility classes, meaning it will be easier in future to make improvements. Mostly was working on commands this week, making admin, mod and user commands with tab completion, making sure we have the ability to properly run the server
The website now updates live each time I compile the source code, meaning you can follow the progress we are making. We will have more ways in future for you to view our progress, just a nice peek at how we are doing for now

Video Trailer
Mayneman has been hard at work on a trailer for the server, he spent a great deal of time making sure the get the correct shots to best show off the server. We are very much looking forward to releasing this for you to view. It will be released on our youtube, and we will notify you when it gets posted
That's all for this week
Thank you all again for joining us on the project, make sure to invite your friends to the discord https://discord.gg/minescape, join the forums https://forums.minescape.me and follow our twitter to be notified on updates
See you next week,
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