[GIVEAWAY] Patron Founder Pack #ENDED



/referral GodlyFlux << Thanks a lot

Hello everyone,

To celebrate my first week on MineScape im hosting a small give away.
Im giving away two Patron Founder Pack ($20/each) to two random players.
If you already have the Patron Founder Pack, ill pay for the upgrade to Legendary Founder Pack ($25).
Also if you are Legendary Founder already you'll recieve 20 treasure chests! ($24)

Dont forget to leave a like on this post as a thank you <3

1. Reply with your IGN (ingame name) under this post.
EXAMPLE || IGN: GodlyFlux
2. Cross your fingers and hope you will win!

- You can only enter once per account.
- Only reply once to this post.
- I will only give the Patron Founder Pack or upgrade

What is a Patron Founder Pack?

There are no strings attached, i just want to help MineScape out, and give a random member a Patron Founder Pack !
Give me some love, click the like button <3

On the 20th of March 4 PM GMT i will use a random number generator to choose the winner.


~ Sander [GodlyFlux]❤
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Hello Godly, it's good to see people doing stuff like this for the community.

IGN: CyanMarshmello
Thanks for hosting this :)
IGN: imperialboy3
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IGN: de kogel
Good luck to everyone!
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