How to Join and Play MineScape

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   Clue Scrolls
         Big bones
         Dragon bones
         Wolf Bones
      Bronze Bar
      Copper Ore
      Iron Bar
      Iron Ore
      Tin Ore
      Aberrant Spectre
      Abyssal Demon
      Abyssal Guardian
      Abyssal Leech
      Abyssal Walker
      Air Wizard
      Animated Armour
      Chaos Druid
      Dark Wizard
      Deadly red spider
      Earth Wizard
      Elder Chaos Druid
      Fire Wizard
      Giant Rat
      Green Dragon
      Grizzly bear
      Hill Giant
      Moss Giant
      Water Wizard
      White Knight
   Quest Guides
      Cook's Assistant
      Doric's Quest
      Druidic Ritual
      Goblin Diplomacy
      Imp Catcher
      Prince Ali Rescue
      Restless Ghost
      Romeo & Juliet
      Rune Mysteries
      Sheep Shearer
      The Knight's Sword
      Tutorial Island
      Witch's Potion
  • Welcome to the MineScape Community.

    This guide will help you join our wonderful server.

    MineScape Server IP:​

    Step 1: Download and run minecraft java edition
    Step 2: Using any minecraft version or latest release 1.19.3 click play.
    Step 3: Once the game loads, click multiplayer.
    Step 4: Click the Add Server button.
    Step 5: Input the following info (image below)

    Server Name: MineScape
    Server Address:
    Server Resource Packs: Enabled
    Step 6: Click done, select the server and click Join Server.
    Step 7: The resourcepack may take a few seconds to download.
    Step 8: Once in the lobby right click the server selector and click World 1
    Step 9: Enjoy the beautiful lands of MineScape

    Make sure to enable resourcepacks!