A lvl 3 skiller with lvl 2 magic, because double xp and that tutorial island chicken just didn't want to die... :p
23 Yo
Studying chemistry
Broscientist at the gym
Working at Hesburger warehouse, sending the burgers to the burger flippers ;)
Hmmm what else, idk... Anyways nice to meet all of you!
AND btw if you are lvl 3 and plan to stay lvl 3, we have a clan for you! =)
23 Yo
Studying chemistry
Broscientist at the gym
Working at Hesburger warehouse, sending the burgers to the burger flippers ;)
Hmmm what else, idk... Anyways nice to meet all of you!
AND btw if you are lvl 3 and plan to stay lvl 3, we have a clan for you! =)