New member
A lvl 3 skiller with lvl 2 magic, because double xp and that tutorial island chicken just didn't want to die... 
23 Yo
Studying chemistry
Broscientist at the gym
Working at Hesburger warehouse, sending the burgers to the burger flippers
Hmmm what else, idk... Anyways nice to meet all of you!
AND btw if you are lvl 3 and plan to stay lvl 3, we have a clan for you! =)
23 Yo
Studying chemistry
Broscientist at the gym
Working at Hesburger warehouse, sending the burgers to the burger flippers
Hmmm what else, idk... Anyways nice to meet all of you!
AND btw if you are lvl 3 and plan to stay lvl 3, we have a clan for you! =)