
Devblog #23: Herblore, Quests, Transmogs & More
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With an amazing effort from the modellers, all the herblore items have been added into the game! Also a big thanks to everyone using the roadmap suggestions to keep us on our feet with new ideas. Now on with the update.

The big news in this update is the new skill, Herblore! Long awaited, Herblore introduces many items, herbs dropped from mobs, unfinished potions to be made from said herbs, items to be ground up using the pestle and mortar, to completed potions giving combat & skilling stat bonuses.

To start Herblore you must first complete Druidic Ritual, which can be initated by speaking with Kaqemeex by the Stone circle in the latest map expansion region of Taverley.

Many additional items have been added, along with information about them, potions will say if they are currently implemented or not by hovering over them. Jatix found in Taverley, runs the Herblore shop, selling you the some of the items required to start the skill.

Potions &...
Devblog #22: Taverley & Burthorpe, High Level Dungeon & More
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With an excellent job done by the builders & modellers, we are ready to release the latest Map Expansion! The screenshots below are unable to showcase how amazing the place looks, so make sure to go check it out for yourselves!

Taverley & Burthorpe
Opening up the first area outside the free to play map, Taverley & Burthorpe brings along with it the possiblity of much more content. From quests, guilds, to a new skill! It also provides a pathway to build even more west.

The crystal chest can be found in Taverley and opening it might reward you with great treasures! Rumoured to contain a priceless purple gem, it seems to require a key. I wonder where you can find one...

After spending sometime camped outside of Falador; Turael now finally is home.

Devblog #21 Giveaway, Bosses, Mob Attacks & More!
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The world map is being worked on tirelessly by our builders, so in the meantime, we are bringing you many content & feature additions

MineScape Giveaway
First off, MineScape is hosting a massive giveaway with 10 winners to be drawn!

Prizes are picked by the winners from the following: SteelSeries Apex 3 Keyboard, MineScape Hoodie + Chests, MineScape Hat + Chest, or just Chests!

Goodluck to all who enter, check out how to enter here

A boss is lurking deep in the Edgeville caves, his angry roars tremble the land.

Obor, King of the Hill Giants, has made his home in the pit of the Edgeville caves. Guarded by the fierce hill giants, only a select few carry the key, I wonder what story is to be told of this great boss.

Obor has two attack styles, melee and range, both are very powerful attacks. Food and teleportation escapes are essential, this is the first of the instanced...
DevBlog #20 - Ironman Mode, Dungeons & Glitched Chests
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Brilliant work has been done to get this update out to everyone, the team has been working hard and you get the see the results!

Areas Released
The frosty Asgarnian Ice Dungeon has been completed in the southern point of Port Sarim. Beware of the icy monsters that guard this underground cavern, they will fiercly attack with their frozen weapons, attempting to lead you into a chilly death. A scarf cosmetic might keep you warm.

Due to this areas release, you will now be able to complete The Knights Sword quest, by mining Blurite in the dungeon.

Be cautious in the new Edgeville Dungeon, demons lurk deep in the northern caves, beasts never been seen in this realm.

Replacing the old dungeons is one more accurate and contains all the correct mobs in place. This area does lead into the wilderness so make sure you keep your eye out for other players...
DevBlog #19 - Skilling 99s, Quests, Clues, & Skulling
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From quests to clues to binding spells and skulling, this update brings many additions, fixes, & additional content! The team has been hard at work to get these updates out for you, so when you can please thank them for their hard work <3.
Now let's get into the update!

Skills 99 Achievement
Long requested is a way to celebrate the reaching of 99 in a skill, and now it's here!
Upon reaching 99 in a skill, fireworks will randomly spawn around you to show off your great achievement! Messages will also be broadcast to the world as an alert and chat message. The message will also be broadcast in the #server-alerts Discord channel.
We are looking forward to many 99 parties being held across the server!

New Quests!
This update brings 3 new quests (we are waiting on a few key areas for one, but you are able to...