Busy_GamerRS'/EpicJ0J0's Quest & Misc. Guides! *Updated 8/17/2020*



New member
Howdy folks, so in-game I am known as Busy_GamerRS. My name on here is EpicJ0J0 because when I started Minescape in 2019 that is what I went by. Here you can find MISC. videos on guides I make. I will change out videos periodically because only five media links can be in here at once. To find my Minescape quest guides, click on the link found below. I have guides on all quests in-game and will continue to produce them as quests are released. If ya'll want a certain guide, just leave a comment down below and I'll look into it. Busy_Gamer out.

Quest Guides Link: /wiki/quest-guides/


Minescape - Grand Exchange Guide

Minescape - Beginners Guide

Minescape Twitch Modpack

Minescape - Commands, Treasure Chests and a Minescape Creative World!

Minescape - In Depth Scoreboard Guide

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We are getting a whole library of tutorials! This is a nice little addition.