New member
This is a post in response to Gamelab's own "history" page, where they claim that they're the only legit Minescape and all others are simply copycats.
I've played both and have wrote down below my experience on both games and how despite GM being the "first" Minescape, it is nowhere near the best.
tl;dr at the bottom
My first Minescape was the Gamelabs version. While the architecture of Gamelab's Minescape (I'll refer it to GM from now on) reminded me of RS3, I still opted to give it a try after watching a video showcasing the server's features.
Before I even took a single step, I was assaulted by this obnoxious mishmash of random noise. I didn't know what it was for a second until I realized it was Newbie Melody, recreated entirely out of noteblocks, subjected to server lag, and then fed through to me the end user mangled and unrecognizable. Needless to say I slid the jukebox slider all the way to the left after that.
Then began my journey through tutorial island. I loved how the inventory system worked and how trees were gone after one log, just like in Runescape. I caught shrimp, cooked them, mined bars, smelted them, and made daggers. Everything was familiar and natural. Then it was time to fight the...chickens? I remember the pits being filled with rats, not chickens. Whatever, maybe it was a joke since the game is Minescape, not Runescape. I equipped my bronze sword and clicked on one. My character attacked it, dealing a little damage...then nothing happened. Why did I stop attacking? Did I lag? No, the game just doesn't have an auto attack feature.
Combat in GM is not Runescape combat. It's entirely active. This was red flag #1.
Okay fine. The first enemy I fight may not have been a rat, and the combat may not have been what i'm used to, but there was more stuff in that video I wanted to check out. Fishing and Woodcutting are just like the real game, and I was excited to see what else the server had in store. After being given a wand that had infinite casts of Wind Strike and fighting another chicken and being disappointed yet again that I had to spam right click to keep casting spells, I was teleported into the main game and saw...this.
Yea. That's Lumbridge castle's gate. I didn't know what it was at first because of the two giant (fountains?) to the left and right of me. This structure was not...great. It looked like block vomit, like an AI was given a scan of RS3's Lumbridge and told to remake it using vanilla blocks. That NPC you see back there is a cash-shop vendor. It sells XP boosts and XP Lamps. Guess architecture wasn't the only thing they got inspired from RS3, but the monetization too.
Eughh...alright. It's bad. But I knew this going in that they weren't going to be true to OSRS. I already knew that they borrowed from RS3 architecture, so I shouldn't be so JESUS CHRIST THIS IS AL-KHARID???
Hey look I found a "rat"
Alright. This was bad. I don't recognize any of these buildings. I can't tell where I am in town just by looking around. But I have 20k GP from thieving some men outside of lumby so let's go to GE and buy some starting...gear...
What the shit is this.
Lemme give you a rundown of how GM's GE works. A seller wants to sell some Steel shields for 2.5k each. He goes to GE, clicks "sell items", and clicks the stack of shields in his inventory to sell. An icon then appears on the "buy" portion of the GE for anyone looking to buy Steel shields. The problem is, every single icon you see there is a different offer. Every one of those items is someone listing something at a random amount, and then setting a price for each item at a random amount.
This isn't GE, this is an auction house.
There isn't even a search bar.
At this point I was starting to get nervous. I was starting to think that the devs' intentions weren't exactly to stay true to Runescape. Nevertheless, I spied in chat that someone was complaining about going dry on a high-kc from Infernal Mages. Infernal mages? That's in the Morytania Slayer Tower! Slayer is one of my favorite skills in Runescape!
Excited, I hurriedly scoured through listings to buy a set of iron, and rushed over to Kharyll, only to discover that I wasn't eligible to slay. Why not? It couldn't be a members restriction because I could thieve men as soon as I teleported into Lumbridge. It couldn't be a level restriction either. It's because Slayer is locked behind a custom quest.
What the actual fuck.
Why on earth are GM's devs locking SLAYER of all skills, behind some arbitrary quest? Maybe Slayer is so fundamentally different in GM that it needs a custom quest to properly explain how to train it?
Lol no. The quest involves running back and forward from Varrock castle to Kharyll 4 times. That's from the slayer master hut in Kharyll, up the stairs of Paterdomus, down the slope towards Varrock, into Varrock castle to talk to King Roald, back to Kharyll and repeated FOUR TIMES to unlocked skill that was never locked in either versions of Runescape.
In fact, what are all these other quests? I recognize Cooks Assistant, but Marriage delivery? Lumbridge's Runner? These don't sound like quests from those games either.
With the temple trek out of the way, I headed over to the...tower...
Jesus christ why is it so DARK?
Didn't think I needed a hack client with Fullbright to slay...
Despite the lack of brightness, the dungeon was more or less the layout of the actual Slayer Tower, and I was excited to grind up some good ol' Slayer XP.
My first task was Cave Bugs.
Huh. I don't remember cave bugs being in the Slayer Tower. Do they mean Cave Crawlers?
Nah. It was Cave Bugs. Also, that's straight up a Cave Spider from Minecraft.
I've played both and have wrote down below my experience on both games and how despite GM being the "first" Minescape, it is nowhere near the best.
tl;dr at the bottom
My first Minescape was the Gamelabs version. While the architecture of Gamelab's Minescape (I'll refer it to GM from now on) reminded me of RS3, I still opted to give it a try after watching a video showcasing the server's features.
Before I even took a single step, I was assaulted by this obnoxious mishmash of random noise. I didn't know what it was for a second until I realized it was Newbie Melody, recreated entirely out of noteblocks, subjected to server lag, and then fed through to me the end user mangled and unrecognizable. Needless to say I slid the jukebox slider all the way to the left after that.
Then began my journey through tutorial island. I loved how the inventory system worked and how trees were gone after one log, just like in Runescape. I caught shrimp, cooked them, mined bars, smelted them, and made daggers. Everything was familiar and natural. Then it was time to fight the...chickens? I remember the pits being filled with rats, not chickens. Whatever, maybe it was a joke since the game is Minescape, not Runescape. I equipped my bronze sword and clicked on one. My character attacked it, dealing a little damage...then nothing happened. Why did I stop attacking? Did I lag? No, the game just doesn't have an auto attack feature.
Combat in GM is not Runescape combat. It's entirely active. This was red flag #1.
Okay fine. The first enemy I fight may not have been a rat, and the combat may not have been what i'm used to, but there was more stuff in that video I wanted to check out. Fishing and Woodcutting are just like the real game, and I was excited to see what else the server had in store. After being given a wand that had infinite casts of Wind Strike and fighting another chicken and being disappointed yet again that I had to spam right click to keep casting spells, I was teleported into the main game and saw...this.
Yea. That's Lumbridge castle's gate. I didn't know what it was at first because of the two giant (fountains?) to the left and right of me. This structure was not...great. It looked like block vomit, like an AI was given a scan of RS3's Lumbridge and told to remake it using vanilla blocks. That NPC you see back there is a cash-shop vendor. It sells XP boosts and XP Lamps. Guess architecture wasn't the only thing they got inspired from RS3, but the monetization too.
Eughh...alright. It's bad. But I knew this going in that they weren't going to be true to OSRS. I already knew that they borrowed from RS3 architecture, so I shouldn't be so JESUS CHRIST THIS IS AL-KHARID???
Hey look I found a "rat"
Alright. This was bad. I don't recognize any of these buildings. I can't tell where I am in town just by looking around. But I have 20k GP from thieving some men outside of lumby so let's go to GE and buy some starting...gear...
What the shit is this.
Lemme give you a rundown of how GM's GE works. A seller wants to sell some Steel shields for 2.5k each. He goes to GE, clicks "sell items", and clicks the stack of shields in his inventory to sell. An icon then appears on the "buy" portion of the GE for anyone looking to buy Steel shields. The problem is, every single icon you see there is a different offer. Every one of those items is someone listing something at a random amount, and then setting a price for each item at a random amount.
This isn't GE, this is an auction house.
There isn't even a search bar.
At this point I was starting to get nervous. I was starting to think that the devs' intentions weren't exactly to stay true to Runescape. Nevertheless, I spied in chat that someone was complaining about going dry on a high-kc from Infernal Mages. Infernal mages? That's in the Morytania Slayer Tower! Slayer is one of my favorite skills in Runescape!
Excited, I hurriedly scoured through listings to buy a set of iron, and rushed over to Kharyll, only to discover that I wasn't eligible to slay. Why not? It couldn't be a members restriction because I could thieve men as soon as I teleported into Lumbridge. It couldn't be a level restriction either. It's because Slayer is locked behind a custom quest.
What the actual fuck.
Why on earth are GM's devs locking SLAYER of all skills, behind some arbitrary quest? Maybe Slayer is so fundamentally different in GM that it needs a custom quest to properly explain how to train it?
Lol no. The quest involves running back and forward from Varrock castle to Kharyll 4 times. That's from the slayer master hut in Kharyll, up the stairs of Paterdomus, down the slope towards Varrock, into Varrock castle to talk to King Roald, back to Kharyll and repeated FOUR TIMES to unlocked skill that was never locked in either versions of Runescape.
In fact, what are all these other quests? I recognize Cooks Assistant, but Marriage delivery? Lumbridge's Runner? These don't sound like quests from those games either.
With the temple trek out of the way, I headed over to the...tower...
Jesus christ why is it so DARK?
Didn't think I needed a hack client with Fullbright to slay...
Despite the lack of brightness, the dungeon was more or less the layout of the actual Slayer Tower, and I was excited to grind up some good ol' Slayer XP.
My first task was Cave Bugs.
Huh. I don't remember cave bugs being in the Slayer Tower. Do they mean Cave Crawlers?
Nah. It was Cave Bugs. Also, that's straight up a Cave Spider from Minecraft.
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