New member
"Nothing is more creative... nor destructive... than a brilliant mind with a purpose"
1. Clan Mission Statement
2. Clan Description
3. Rules
4. Ranks
5. Applications
6. Clan Donations
7. Screenshots and Links
1. Clan Mission Statement
Our Ambition: Our purpose is to ensure that we are a positive force in the MineScape community. This means that new players, seasoned players, developers, and the community as a whole will have an even better experience on and off the server.--------------------------
"Nothing is more creative... nor destructive... than a brilliant mind with a purpose"
1. Clan Mission Statement
2. Clan Description
3. Rules
4. Ranks
5. Applications
6. Clan Donations
7. Screenshots and Links
1. Clan Mission Statement
Good People: We strive to lead all players within our clan as well as everyone else in a positive direction with the game by encouraging teamwork and knowledge. We aim to give all players the best opportunity in the game so that they can play freely and have fun. This means no locked role within the clan and an encouraging team of clan members who will assist the community with questions they may have.
2. Clan Description
Inferno is a clan that is run by BamboozlerAUS, a person who has run and co-run successful guilds and clans is multiple small and large online games over the last 10 years. Inferno aims to ensure that all players within our clan have fun and are given the assistance and support they need in order to make the most of their time in MineScape. We are an Oceanic clan who will allow International applicants as long as they understand and speak at least a minimal level of English. Below is some information about the clan:Clan Name: Inferno
Clan Leader: @BamboozlerAUS
Clan Website: Will be created as the need arises.
Clan Discord: Will be created as the need arises.
Region: Oceanic/Worldwide
Recommended Time Zone: UTC+10 (Sydney, Australia)
Clan Primary Focus: PvE skills/Economy
Clan Secondary Focus: PvP
Clan City/Home: Varrock
Primary God Emissary: Zaros
Secondary God Emissary: Zamorak
3. Rules
2. Treat others as you would like to be treated. In regards to both clan members as well as any other MineScape player, please ensure that you treat them with courtesy and respect.
3. We recruit based on the individual. We don't have set standards that you must meet such as having a minimum number of experience or gold to enter. This means that as long as you're active, friendly, and work with the clan you have an equal chance of your application being accepted as someone who has 200+ in-game hours for example.
4. No 'double-guilding'. Please make sure that during the time that your application is being processed as well as your time in the clan that you are not participating in any other clan activities on the forums or in-game with any of your characters. This is a simple request so any players who 'double-guild' will have their membership terminated.
5. Participate in clan events. We understand that not everyone has enough time throughout the week or enough in-game gold for the entrance fees (if events require it for prizes) but it is encouraged that all players participate with as many clan events as possible.
6. Promotion is based on performance and leadership potential. To increase your chances of being promoted within the clan please make sure that you are participating in as many clan events as possible, act like a leader, and be a friendly and helpful player to not only the clan but the whole MineScape community. Any gold or item donations are greatly appreciated but do not directly reflect on your chances of being promoted.
7. Remain active within the MineScape community. Whether this means you post on forums frequently or you're in-game throughout the week please make sure that you remain active. As a minimum try to be online either on the forums or in-game once or twice a week. If you can not meet this requirement due to work or other personal matters please contact one of the higher ups in relation to this. If you are going on holidays, are going to have no internet for a while, or something similar occurs that results in you not being active for a long period of time please notify one of the higher ups. Any unexplained inactivity for one month or more will result in instant termination.
8. Have fun! If you have been dedicated enough to read and agree to all of the above rules it is critical to remember that the most important thing about playing MineScape is to have fun. Anyone not having fun while playing this game will be instantly terminated from the clan.
4. Ranks
TBC as the guild grows in number.
5. Applications
Note: All the responses are examples and are not accurate to my situation.
IGN: @BamboozlerAUS.
Location/main language spoken: English.
Why I want to join the guild: Because I have an interest in working with a team to reach a common goal.
Main Skills: Fishing, mining and woodcutting.
Date started in MineScape: Day, Month, Year.
How I heard about this clan: Through the stories passed down for generations.
Something about myself: I'm a full time student but I also work in retail.
Other friends who may be interested in this guild: RandomGuyA, RandomGuyB.
We will accept applications from the forum thread as well as in-game.
6. Clan Donations
We accept item and gold donations which will all be kept for clan PvP situations and clan events. All donations will be kept in BamboozlerAUS' last bank tab and screenshots and logs will be kept.
7. Screenshots and Links
Will be posted here as they come.