Issues with spider tasks for slayer and how to fix it



New member
I've been getting a few complaints about the spider slayer task. It's good for low-combat/slayer players. But for those who are ahead of the slayer curve, it's a terrible waste of XP and time. Especially since there's no way of skipping/blocking tasks yet. So, I'd like to recommend a couple of deadly red spider spawns in the Varrock sewers. Their combat level is 34, and they give 35 slayer XP per kill. It would also make weapons like maces, war hammers, battleaxes, and 2h's slightly more viable.

I know there's deadly red spider spawns in the stronghold of security, but putting them in the Varrock sewers would be a quick and easy fix to this issue. (Since we don't really have a confirmed date for the release of the stronghold of security)

Edit: For anyone who isn't aware of deadly red spider spawns, you can find them at the end of the Varrock sewers (next to the moss giants) in both OSRS and RS3. (In RS3, deadly red spiders in Varrock sewers are level 96)

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This can be done pretty realistically. Honestly not sure what we are waiting on for this.
This would be a good idea but the devs also need to greatly increase the number of slayer tasks available for players. Green dragons is like WW3 right now with players stealing dragons.
This would be a good idea but the devs also need to greatly increase the number of slayer tasks available for players. Green dragons is like WW3 right now with players stealing dragons.
Well slayer doesn't really fall into our release schedule. Players really wanted it so we forced it's release under the circumstances that it wouldn't be very good xp or nearly as enjoyable as actual slayer.
Ehh I understand where you're coming from but given the popularity of the server don't you think you should be releasing content that players actually want in order to be successful in the long run?
I agree, this is nearly the only thing bad about slayer right now, the only second thing to consider would be king scorpions as well.
Ehh I understand where you're coming from but given the popularity of the server don't you think you should be releasing content that players actually want in order to be successful in the long run?
We just need to be careful with updates so it doesn't impact the economy or the future structure of gameplay.
Tbh, just like scorpions I think players would be fine with e.g red spiders/king scorpions dropping nothing, since it would be slayer XP anyways.