Player moderators



New member
With the large influx of players due to YouTube exposure, there has been some nasty names and harassment in chat. A few player moderators who are actively committed to each server would be something to consider.
We are looking into expanding the team. We recruited a new mod today, however, we can't go around throwing out mods too much. It only goes to the most trusted and least toxic individuals. Many players are new so it's hard to find those who are right for the role. But yes, I am working on this. Thank you for bringing up the concern.
I'm not sure what your requirements are, but I'm online 12 hours or so a day afking messing around while I work, and would be willing to be posted to a server for majority of my play. Some hopping is needed currently for slayer or when seeking a uncrowded resource node. If you had at least 1 mod who played the majority on a selected server, and a few that bounce around, it should cover things nicely.
We are looking into expanding the team. We recruited a new mod today, however, we can't go around throwing out mods too much. It only goes to the most trusted and least toxic individuals. Many players are new so it's hard to find those who are right for the role. But yes, I am working on this. Thank you for bringing up the concern.
Is there an application process currently? If so, would you mind messaging it to me? Here or discord works. Exarius#3807