


New member

My name is Pyro, known in-game as DarkPyroNinja. My discord is Pyro#7588. I've been playing MineScape since June 6, 2019, from when Old School RuneScape showed off the server at the end of a stream. I was the 2nd person to reach 37 Prayer and unlock Protect from Magic, and also was the highest on the leaderboard for Firemaking (for about 3 weeks), until being passed by Routhless, who recently achieved 99.

I am currently the only person with the "Helper" rank, which I got from volunteering my services to research and fix the items cache. I completed combing through the cache for unnecessary items that were retrieved, and aided in deleting those. I am currently working on attaching correct alch prices for all items. If you would like to help, please contact myself or Dablakbandit for more information.

If you have any questions for me, specifically, send me a pm on here or discord. I won't bite... always...
~ Pyro
Hello, @Pyro!

Haven't had the chance to see you in game or on the forums yet. Hope you're doing well.