Resourcepack Not Loading



Staff member

Welcome to the MineScape Community

This guide will help make sure you are able to load our resourcepack.
Please try each method from top to bottom.

Method 1: After joining the server do /urp, if this fails after 30 seconds please restart Minecraft and try again.

Method 2: Ensure in the Multiplayer menu, resourcepacks are enabled.

Step 1: Click Multiplayer from the Minecraft Main Menu.
Step 2: Click the Minescape Server and then click Edit.

Step 3: Click Server Resource Packs until it says: Enabled.

Step 4: Click done and join the server.

Method 3: Delete server resourcepacks folder
Step 1: From the main menu of Minecraft click Options..., Resource Packs..., Open Resource Pack Folder

Step 2: This will open your resourcepack files, go up 1 folder from here
Step 3: Delete server-resource-packs (note this will delete resourcepacks downloaded from other servers)