Scoreboard - Setup guide



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Scoreboard - Setup guide

Located on the right side of your screen, the Scoreboard is a very useful UI overlay in Minescape.
It is also very customizeable, and you can modify it to your liking. Which is what this tutorial is meant to help with!

Scoreboard Settings Menu
In order to customize your own Scoreboard, you will need to open the Scoreboard Settings menu.
Do so by entering the following chat command: /scoreboard

It should look something like this (default layout):
Default Layout
Use chat command /scoreboard update to refresh any non-updating text

Modifying the lines
The Scoreboard Settings window and Scoreboard itself will update in live-time whenever you modify a line, making it incredibly easy to preview and test your changes to the layout.
To modify or add text in the lines, use the following chat command: /chat line {line} {text}
  • {line} represents which line you wish to modify (0 to 13)
  • {text} represents the data you wish to display in your Scoreboard
/chat line 0 This is a test line!

Simple example

Colors and Formatting Codes
Coloring and formatting are great ways to improve your layout!
It makes it look much better, and often improves the readability if done right.

How does it work?
  • Any text after a formatting code will display in the respective format
  • You can use multiple color and formatting codes together throughout the line
/chat line 0 The following text is colored: &6Golden text!
/chat line 0 &1This &2text &3changes &4color &5for &6every &2word.
/chat line 1 Try &6both &3&mcolors &dand &rformatting &2&ncodes!
Formatting example

The available colors can be found by hovering the Colors text in the Scoreboard Settings.
Note that these include several formatting codes as well.
&0 - BLACK
&6 - GOLD
&7 - GRAY
&9 - BLUE
&a - GREEN
&b - AQUA
&c - RED
&f - WHITE

Formatting codes:
&l - BOLD
&r - RESET (resets all formatting)

There are many variables to take use of.
A variable (in this context) is basically a written "code"-like string that will display something else in the Settings and Scoreboard.

Say you want to display your current play time and prayer points. You can add the text Play time: and Prayer Points:, but how do you get the time and prayer points without manually updating the numbers constantly? This is where Variables come in!

/chat line 0 Play Time: <play_time>
/chat line 1 Prayer Points: <prayer_points>
Variable example

There are many variables to choose from, you can find a list by hovering the Variables text in the Scoreboard Settings.
<combat_level>Displays your current COMBAT LEVEL.
<health>Displays your current remaining HEALTH.
<prayer_points>Displays your current remaining PRAYER POINTS.
<target>Displays your current TARGET.
NOTE: You must look at your target for it to be displayed!
<clan>Displays your current CLAN.
<companion>Displays your current summoned COMPANION.
<platinum_tokens>Displays your current amount of PLATINUM TOKENS.
<play_time>Displays your TOTAL TIME PLAYED.
<ping>Displays your current PING/LATENCY.
<title>Displays your current set TITLE.
<votes>Displays your current amount of VOTE POINTS.
<votes_total>Displays the total amount of TIMES YOU VOTED on the server.
NOTE: This does not seem to work properly at the moment.
<server>Displays MINESCAPE.ME.
<online>Displays the current amount of PLAYERS ONLINE.
<thieving>, <crafting>, <fishing>, <strength>, <smithing>, <herblore>, <defence>, <agility>, <cooking>, <attack>, <ranged>, <construction>, <magic>, <mining>, <runecrafting>, <prayer>, <slayer>, <hitpoints>, <farming>, <firemaking>, <hunter>, <fletching>, <woodcutting>These variables represent your current LEVEL in the respective Skill.
<thieving_exp>, <crafting_exp>, <fishing_exp>, <strength_exp>, <smithing_exp>, <herblore_exp>, <defence_exp>, <agility_exp>, <cooking_exp>, <attack_exp>, <ranged_exp>, <construction_exp>, <magic_exp>, <mining_exp>, <runecrafting_exp>, <prayer_exp>, <slayer_exp>, <hitpoints_exp>, <farming_exp>, <firemaking_exp>, <hunter_exp>, <fletching_exp>, <woodcutting_exp>These variables represent your current EXP in the respective Skill.
<thieving_left>, <crafting_left>, <fishing_left>, <strength_left>, <smithing_left>, <herblore_left>, <defence_left>, <agility_left>, <cooking_left>, <attack_left>, <ranged_left>, <construction_left>, <magic_left>, <mining_left>, <runecrafting_left>, <prayer_left>, <slayer_left>, <hitpoints_left>, <farming_left>, <firemaking_left>, <hunter_left>, <fletching_left>, <woodcutting_left>These variables represent your EXP UNTIL LEVEL in the respective Skill.
<total_exp>Displays your current TOTAL EXP.
<total_level>Displays your current TOTAL LEVEL.
<slayer_task_current>*Displays your current SLAYER TASK KILL/PROGRESS on the task.
<slayer_task_mob>*Displays your current SLAYER TASK MONSTER.
<slayer_task_remaining>*Displays your current REMAINING TASK KILLS..
<slayer_task_required>*Displays the INITIAL ASSIGNED TASK AMOUNT.
*The Slayer related Variables requires you to manually update. Use the chat command /scoreboard update to refresh it.

There are also icons to use! While displayed as icons, these are actually different Chinese characters.
退 - Attack​
送 - Strength​
适 - Defence​
逃 - Ranged​
逄 - Prayer​
逅 - Magic​
逆 - Runecrafting​
逇 - Construction​
逈 - Hitpoints​
选 - Agility​
逊 - Herblore​
逋 - Thieving​
逌 - Crafting​
逍 - Fletching​
逎 - Slayer​
透 - Hunter​
逐 - Mining​
逑 - Smithing​
递 - Fishing​
逓 - Cooking​
途 - Firemaking​
逕 - Woodcutting​
逖 - Farming​
速 - Total Level​
造 - Cheer Icon​
逡 - Subscriber Icon​
逢 - Youtuber Icon​
連 - Twitch Icon​
逤 - Founder​
逥 - Patron​
NOTES: There is a limit of 10 attachments, so I cannot add all icon images here. Color and formatting coding may change how these icons look, you can use &r in front to reset the formatting.

Default Scoreboard

If you clear your Scoreboard using the Clear button, using command /scoreboard update and relogging will set your Scoreboard back to Default.

Default Scoreboard
Pastebin here
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This is the current Scoreboard that I use. It's probably not the best, but I'm happy with it for the time being!


/chat line 0 逈&a<health>&r/&a<hitpoints> &r| 逄&l&e<prayer_points>&r/&e<prayer>
/chat line 1 速&b<total_level> &r| 退&b<combat_level>
/chat line 2 Played: &3<play_time>
/chat line 3 VP: &6<votes> &8|&r PT: &b<platinum_tokens> &8|&r MS: &2<ping>
/chat line 4 Target: &4<target>
/chat line 5 &o<slayer_task_mob>: &4<slayer_task_remaining>
/chat line 6 退 &a<attack> &r逈 &a<hitpoints> &r逐 &a<mining>
/chat line 7 送 &a<strength> &r选 &a&k<agility> &r逑 &a<smithing>
/chat line 8 适 &a<defence> &r逊 &a&k<herblore> &r递 &a<fishing>
/chat line 9 逃 &a<ranged> &r逋 &a<thieving> &r逓 &a<cooking>
/chat line 10 逄 &a<prayer> &r逌 &a<crafting> &r途 &a<firemaking>
/chat line 11 逅 &a<magic> &r逍 &a<fletching> &r逕 &a<woodcutting>
/chat line 12 逆 &a<runecrafting> &r逎 &a<slayer> &r逖 &a&k<farming>
/chat line 13 逇 &a&k<construction> &r透 &a&k<hunter> &r速 &a<total_level>
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Great guide! Would you mind if I include this in the general guides section of the Minescape wiki?
P.S. at the start of the guide you have "In order to customize your own Dashboard, you will need to open the Scoreboard Settings menu.
Do so by entering the following chat command: /dashboard" It's actually /scoreboard.
Cheer icon: 造
Subscriber icon: 逡
Youtuber icon: 逢
Twitch icon: 連

逤 = founder
逥 = patron
Great guide! Would you mind if I include this in the general guides section of the Minescape wiki?
P.S. at the start of the guide you have "In order to customize your own Dashboard, you will need to open the Scoreboard Settings menu.
Do so by entering the following chat command: /dashboard" It's actually /scoreboard.

Oh my! Yes, you are right haha :p I dunno why, but I keep calling it dashboard instead of scoreboard.....

Sure, feel free to use it as much as you'd like! Anyone can for that matter. You can also modify/improve whatever you feel the need for :)

Cheer icon: 造
Subscriber icon: 逡
Youtuber icon: 逢
Twitch icon: 連

逤 = founder
逥 = patron

Thanks! I didn't know these existed :O

I updated the chart adding these :)
My version if someone needs it:

I use modpack so I could use MinescapeAddon that adds skill menu on the screen:
Annotation 2020-06-24 114222.png
Scoreboard shows Combat level/ Online/ Points and Ping as well as Slayer task and EXP left to all the levels.

/chat line 0 &nCB:&n逎&n<combat_level> &r| &nOnline: &n<online>
/chat line 1 &nVotepoints: &6&n<votes>&n&8|&r&nPlatinum:&b&n<platinum_tokens>&8|&r&nPing: &2&n<ping>
/chat line 2 &nSlayer Task:
/chat line 3 &r&4 <slayer_task_current>
/chat line 4
/chat line 5 退 &a<attack_left> &r逈 &a<hitpoints_left> &r逐 &a<mining_left>
/chat line 6 送 &a<strength_left> &r选 &a<agility_left> &r逑 &a<smithing_left>
/chat line 7 适 &a<defence_left> &r逊 &a<herblore_left> &r递 &a<fishing_left>
/chat line 8 逃 &a<ranged_left> &r逋 &a<thieving_left> &r逓 &a<cooking_left>
/chat line 9 逄 &a<prayer_left> &r逌 &a<crafting_left> &r途 &a<firemaking_left>
/chat line 10 逅 &a<magic_left> &r逍 &a<fletching_left> &r逕 &a<woodcutting_left>
/chat line 11 逆 &a<runecrafting_left> &r逎 &a<slayer_left> &r逖 &a<farming_left>
/chat line 12 逇 &a<construction_left> &r透 &a<hunter_left>
/chat line 13