C Cyber_controller New member Apr 6, 2020 #1 Just wondering if any one knows when the servers will be online, are they off for an update?
M Mournzz New member Apr 6, 2020 #2 I've been waiting for like 4 hours very curious myself when the servers will be coming up.
Vavalur New member Apr 6, 2020 #3 According to Pyro the servers will be offline until the update as there were major bugs and changes. You'd need to pm him for more details. But some point today.... at the earliest.
According to Pyro the servers will be offline until the update as there were major bugs and changes. You'd need to pm him for more details. But some point today.... at the earliest.
C Cyber_controller New member Apr 6, 2020 #4 Ahhh awesome thank you vav, couldn't find anything about it anywhere so was a little worried
M Mournzz New member Apr 6, 2020 #5 Did they give any kinda of ETA for the servers to be back up? I need to grinnnnnnnnd
V Valorek New member Apr 6, 2020 #6 Thank you for the informative information! hope everything goes well!