Sudden ban with no info.

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New member
I was banned while I was mining iron, south west of Varrock. I wasn't using bots or anything. Would really appreciate some sort of explanation. MC name is same as username here. Thanks in advance.
This is the screen I get. Judging from the fill-in-the-gap generic message, I'm pretty sure my ping spiked and the packet loss made it look like I had a hacked client or something. I'd like to get back to powerleveling my mining if I could.


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I believe your toxic behavior in chat and use of language have something to do with it. You called someone something foul and a mod had enough of the behavior and banned you.
I believe your toxic behavior in chat and use of language have something to do with it. You called someone something foul and a mod had enough of the behavior and banned you.
That doesn't seem to be the case. Why does the ban-reason not indicate that? And what did I say that was inappropriate?
I stopped paying attention to all the Bs in chat, nobody wanted to stop and I frankly didnt want to deal with it. Obviously someone with authority felt the same, but had the ability to put a stop to it. Try contacting cabbagegod on discord, he will likely know what the deal is. I'm not a mod, or anyone in the know, I was just letting you know what I thought was the case, I don't think you were botting because bots don't talk that much 💩
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