New member
Category is: Wildin in the Wilderness
With the release of the wilderness, it only makes sense to have our first photography contest centered around the dangerous and deadly area. We are encouraging our players to dive into the wilderness and grab the best screenshots you can! We are looking for a variety of entries to represent this area and are asking you to get creative.
We are looking for your interpretation of the wilderness. Will that be a screenshot of a massive 20v20 PVP battle? A trip to green dragons? The creepy corridors of the black knight's fortress? How about a beautiful picture of the scenery? That is up to you to decide!
This week's contest will run from April 8 - April 22nd. The deadline for submitting a screenshot is Sunday, April 19th at 5pm Eastern time.
Please click here to view rules and prizes.
All screenshot entries for this weeks contest must be posted below by Sunday, April 19th at 5pm Eastern time or they will be ignored.
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