Image Tutorial

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  • Image Tutorial

    In this tutorial I will show you how to add, scale, align, link and set a text to an image.

    1. Adding the image
      • To add an image you first need to upload your picture to an image hosting website (imgur for example) or simply choose one from the internet
      • Next you need the link. I will be using a photo of a Chicken I uploaded to Imgur for this demonstration.(
      • For the next part we are going to have to Toggle BB code on the upper right corner next to the "Redo" button.
      • Begin by typing [.IMG] (without the .) and inside this you will copy the link of your image and then close it with a [/IMG]. An example image code would look like this: [.IMG][/IMG] without the period in the beginning.
    2. Scaling the image
      • To scale an image you can either click the image and scale it by dragging a corner, or you can do it in the BB code.
      • The former option doesn't need more explaining so I will cover up the latter. To scale in BB code you simply add width="100px" inside the [.IMG] so it will look like [.IMG width="100px"] (without the .)
      • Example code would look like this: [.IMG width="100px"][/IMG] (without the .)
    3. Linking the image
      • To link an image you need to click the photo while editing. Below the image it will open up 6 options and you'll want to open the one on the far right.
      • At this point you can enter your URL and click Insert.
      • If you wish to edit or remove your link, simply click on the image while editing and it'll give you the option to.
    4. Aligning the image
      • To align an image you can either click the image and choose the far left option, or you can do it in the BB code.
      • Aligning the image in BB code is very similar to scaling. Instead of width="100px" you type in align="right" or align="left".
      • Example code with scaling would look like this: [.IMG width="100px" align="right"][/IMG] (without the .)
    5. Setting text to the image
      • To set text to an image you can either click the image and choose the option 3rd from left (info icon), or you can do it in the BB code.
      • Setting text to an image in BB code is very similar to scaling and aligning. Instead of width="100px" you type in alt="image-text".
      • Example code would look like this: [.IMG alt="image-text"][/IMG] (without the .)
      • After you've done this text will appear when you hover your mouse on top of the image.
      • *as of now this only works while previewing an edit*

    Result of step 1, adding the image


    Result of step 2, scaling the image


    Result of step 3, linking the image

    Result of step 4, aligning an image


    Result of step 5, setting text to the image
